Valencia Test • Day 1
Iván Ortolá & Stefano Nepa
excellent feeling and good room for improvement!

Valencia, 3 February 2022: during the first day of testing, Ivan Ortolá and Stefano Nepa take to the track to get familiar with the bike and test the first modifications in preparation for the upcoming season.
For Iván Ortolà it does not seem to be the first day, as soon as he gets on the track he finds the right path and thanks to the help of some modifications he manages to frame a good basis on which to work in the coming days, even if the KTM used is not so similar to that. of last year.
“The first day of testing in Valencia was very positive, I was very good with the team and we were able to improve a lot the tuning of the bike, but tomorrow is another day. We will continue to work to gather new sensations and accumulate fundamental experience for this year!”
If for the Spaniard of the MTA team it was a day of positive results, accomplice also the fact of knowing already very well the team he works with, for Stefano Nepa, instead the beginning was a little more stormy. Infatti, l’abruzzese ha dovuto trovare prima il feeling con i meccanici e solo dopo, ha potuto lavorare a delle modifiche sulla moto, anche per lui diversa dalla KTM utilizzata l’anno scorso. Despite the difficulties, fortunately he already has in mind what to change tomorrow to improve.
“I’m very happy to finally be back on track. At the beginning I had difficulty finding the feeling with the bike, but then we made several changes and I found myself better. Tomorrow we will continue to work to improve.”
A day full of emotions, hard work, but that will remain in the mind and hearts of the team for a long time, as also reiterated by Team Manager Alessandro Tonucci:
“It was the first day, it was fundamental to start building the feeling with the bike and among the members of the team. Today I have not looked at the times, they matter, but from tomorrow. I’m happy overall, because both drivers have improved with the various changes made and tomorrow there is still room, especially for Stefano. On the emotional side? I still can’t believe we actually made it this far, but from now on, it’s for real and we’re gonna do our best.”
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